Hair Dye Wax™


Made from natural ingredients, this is 100% safe to use, cruelty-free, and is removed with a single thorough hair wash! Great for all hair types

Recommended Usage Sizes: 

  • For short hair, One Jar can be used for Two applications.

  • For mid-length hair, One Jar can be used for one application. 

  • For long hair, at least Two Jars for One application.

  1. Wash hair and pat dry until damp. 

  2. Apply a finger full of hair wax on the palm and spread through hair.

  3. Repeat for each section of hair until saturated with dye.

  4. Allow drying once the hair is fully saturated with dye.

  5. Enjoy your new vibrant look!  

Will this dry out my hair?

The wax dries very quickly, however if you dampen your hair with water it will still apply just fine. We recommend that you start off with damp hair and moisturize it before applying the hair dye.

Does this work on 4C Hair?

Just like all other hair textures, this product is not exclusive to any specific one. It works on all of them!

Can I flat iron my hair while it is dyed?

We do not recommend that you flat iron your hair while you have it dyed. It will melt the wax and destroy the color. We recommend using a diffuser or blow dryer on a cooler setting.

Dye got in my eye, what do I do?

Please remain calm and find the nearest source of water. Wash out your eye and around the affected area. Note: Please keep the dye away from eyes, mouth and small children!

Can I send you my results?

Yes! Please do, we want to see how amazing your hair turned out! You can send any pictures to us on our Instagram @RainboCosmetics!

Please allow 1-2 business days for processing.

Shipping Times by Location:

  • United States: 2-5 business days or less.
  • Canada: 1-2 weeks
  • Europe: 1-3 weeks
  • Other: 2-3 weeks 


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